St. George’s Day 2021

St George’s Day 2021 was on Sunday 25th April. Across the week preceding this date, we were asking young people to take part in a series of daily activities, themed around the word ‘SCOUTS’, culminating in our virtual promise renewal on Sunday 25th April where young people in all of our sections will be able to take part in an important part of Scouting from the comfort of their own homes.

Daily Activities

These daily activities are themed around the letters in the word SCOUTS, and reflects the ideas and values that all within the scouting community share. Feel free to have a go with as many or as few as you want to, but it would be great to see pictures of you taking part in them. You can send in any pictures to (photos submitted will only be used in line with the relevant policy of the Scout Association, and will not be shared with third party users).

Time to Reflect: (Scouting Memory Wall)

Memories can be shared anonymously, and should be placed on our memory wall (this can be accessed here).

St. George Quiz: (Links no longer in use)

  • Beaver Scouts Quiz
  • Cub Scouts Quiz
  • Scouts Quiz
  • Explorer Scouts Quiz

Promise Renewal

An important part of our St. George’s Day celebrations is our Promise Renewal. This gives each young person and volunteer an opportunity to reflect upon, and reaffirm, the values that we stand by as a world-wide Scouting community.

Please scroll down to find the Promise Renewal relevant to your section (Explorer Scouts, Scout Network and Adult volunteers should use the Scout versions). There are two versions of the Promise (except for Beaver Scouts); the Promise for those who would identify with the Christian faith, and the Promise for those of other faiths or none. Scouting is an inclusive organisation, and so if you wish to use wording that is more specific to the faith, or belief that you uphold, then these can be found by clicking here.

Promise renewals should ideally be carried out in full uniform, but this is not essential, and should always be made with the young person making the Scout sign.

The Beaver Scout Promise:

I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love our world.

The Cub Scout Promise:

I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God and to The Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.

The Cub Scout Promise (alternative version):

I promise that I will do my best
to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to The Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.

The Scout Promise (alternative version): (For Scouts, Explorer Scouts, the Scout Network and Adults)

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
to uphold our Scout values, to do my duty to The Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.

Traditional Cub Promise
Alternative Cub Promise
Traditional Scout Promise
Alternative Scout Promise